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University receives $516,000 NSF grant to enhance high performance computing

京张十大电子游艺网站排行 will enhance its ability to conduct leading-edge research and educational activities through a hybrid CPU/GPU high-performance computing cluster thanks to a $516,000 National Science Foundation Major 研究 Instrumentation grant.

“This grant will significantly enhance compute-intensive and data-intensive studies and greatly facilitate cutting-edge cross-disciplinary research and educational activities at LU by offering a shared state-of-the-art computing platform,张靖说, assistant professor of computer science who served as the principal investigator on the grant proposal titled “MRI: Acquisition of a Hybrid CPU/GPU High Performance Computing Cluster for 研究 and Education at 十大电子游艺网站排行.”

“This would not have been possible without the impressive campus-wide support,张说。, who credited the efforts of co-principal investigators Sujing Wang in computer science, 李乐清,工业工程专业, Tao Wei in chemical 工程 (now with Howard University), and senior personnel Frank Qingguo Sun in computer science, as well as the support of the university’s research office, 文理学院, 工程学院, and computer science and industrial 工程 departments.

在拟定提案的过程中, Zhang and the group studied the computational needs of 22 faculty members from 11 departments, and received letters of support which greatly strengthened the proposal, prompting the NSF MRI grant proposal review panel to write “The range of research activities is impressive, 跨越社会科学, 物理, 化学, 业务应用程序, 数学, computer science and multiple fields of 工程.”

张博士拥有博士学位.D. in computer science from the University of South Florida, and was a postdoctoral associate at Duke University before joining the faculty at LU, said high performance computing clusters (HPCC) have become an indispensable tool for faculty and researchers in many areas of research where exponential data growth means traditional computer servers and workstations are no longer adequate to handle the size and complexity of computational work needed. 没有HPCC, faculty engaged in these projects must rely on resources at other institutions, and are often hampered in their efforts by limited bandwidth and competing priorities. Long waiting time delays the progress of projects, and limits collaboration between researchers at LU and other institutions, 他说.

The awarded hybrid CPU/GPU HPCC will significantly enhance compute-intensive and data-intensive studies and facilitate discipline-specific and multidisciplinary research through a shared state-of-the-art computing platform, 张说. The instrumentation will strongly support LU's high priority current and future research needs as well as benefit a variety of regional academic institutions and industries.

The hybrid CPU/GPU HPCC will make it possible to deploy the best suited computing nodes to perform traditional CPU-based, 基于gpu的, and hybrid CPU/基于gpu的 data-intensive computing tasks at LU, which are extremely critical to advance knowledge and understanding of cutting-edge research projects and educational programs.

The instrumentation will support new creative research areas and establish new cross-disciplinary studies in the areas of imaging genomics, 深度学习, 大数据, 计算神经科学, 分子物理学, 先进材料研究, 科学优化, 水和空气质量分析, 交通系统, 电子结构计算, 核酸生物标志物的发现与表观遗传学, 还有更多.

作为共享的研究资源, the HPCC will not only promote cross-disciplinary collaborations among faculty members from different departments within the university, but also enable LU to promote and strengthen collaborative opportunities with other research institutions.

The instrument is also an essential educational tool with the potential to foster interest among faculty in the development of new courses that will integrate state-of-the-art research into undergraduate and graduate curricula. The HPCC will be available remotely around the clock to all properly trained and approved faculty and undergraduate and graduate students. Access to an excellent computing environment will broaden their knowledge and research experiences, 张说. “最终, hands-on experience with Lamar’s HPCC will provide students with unique training that will increase their competitiveness in their future careers,他说.

That educational experience will extend to local high school students who visit LU's Data Center and experience the power of the HPCC, showcasing the modern 技术 available to future researchers and engineers. Having this cutting-edge instrumentation will attract and encourage more students from local school districts to study in science, 技术, 工程, 和数学, 张说. 

“最终, this award will benefit the region as it boosts research that improves healthcare, adds to the quality of life and increases security,张说.